
0.315" (0.8 cm) and 0.475" (1.2 cm) Diameter Round Cross-section Single-End Terminal Tubular Heaters  - Discontinued


Tubular Heater | STRI and STRS

Tubular Heater

imagem meramente ilustrativa

  • Style STRI
    • INCOLOY Sheath
    • 225 - 2,400 Watts
    • 120 and 240 Volt
    • 4 - 30 W/In2
    • 1600°F (870° C) Maximum Sheath Temperature
  • Style STRS
    • Steel Sheath
    • 150 - 2,725 Watts
    • 120 and 240 Volt
    • 3 - 20 W/In2
    • 750°F (450°C) Maximum Sheath Temperature
Aquecedores Tubulares - Ver Produtos Relacionados


The STRI and STRS series have been discontinued. Please contact our Temperature Engineering department for a viable replacement.

Molds and other heat-transferring metal parts and air heating applications. Immersion heating with flange, screwplug, threaded fitting or other means of mounting.

Elements with both terminals at one end, in dies, can simplify wiring in many cases. Use slim elements to concentrate heat into a confined area, taking up less space than a U-shaped element with terminals at each end.

.315" (8 mm) Diameter Round Cross-Section Single-End Terminal

Watts Volts W/In2 Dimensions in (cm) INCOLOY Sheath
Model No.
Sheath A Heated B
2251203011 7/8 (30)7 1/8 (18)STRI-1248/120V0.4
3251203015 7/8 (40)11 1/8 (28)STRI-1648/120V0.4
3252403015 7/8 (40)11 1/8 (28)STRI-1648/240V0.4
4501203019 7/8 (50)15 1/8 (38)STRI-2048/120V0.4
4502403019 7/8 (50)15 1/8 (38)STRI-2048/240V0.4
5751203023 7/8 (60)19 1/8 (49)STRI-2448/120V0.4
5752403023 7/8 (60)19 1/8 (49)STRI-2448/240V0.4
7001203027 7/8 (70)23 1/8 (59)STRI-2848/120V0.8
7002403027 7/8 (70)23 1/8 (59)STRI-2848/240V0.8
8001203031 7/8 (80)27 1/8 (69)STRI-3248/120V0.8
8002403031 7/8 (80)27 1/8 (69)STRI-3248/240V0.8
9251203035 7/8 (91)31 1/8 (79)STRI-3648/120V0.8
9252403035 7/8 (91)31 1/8 (79)STRI-3648/240V0.8
1,0501203039 7/8 (101)35 1/8 (89)STRI-4048/120V1
1,0502403039 7/8 (101)35 1/8 (89)STRI-4048/240V1
1,1751203043 7/8 (111)39 1/8 (99)STRI-4448/120V1
1,1752403043 7/8 (111)39 1/8 (99)STRI-4448/240V1
1,2001202847 7/8 (122)43 1/8 (110)STRI-4848/120V1
1,2752403047 7/8 (122)43 1/8 (110)STRI-4848/240V1
1,2001202651 7/8 (132)47 1/8 (120)STRI-5248/120V1.3
1,4002403051 7/8 (132)47 1/8 (120)STRI-5248/240V1.3
1,1501202355 7/8 (142)51 1/8 (130)STRI-5648/120V1.3
1,5252403055 7/8 (142)51 1/8 (130)STRI-5648/240V1.3
1,07512013.759 7/8 (152)55 1/8 (140)STRI-6048/120V1.3
1,6502403059 7/8 (152)55 1/8 (140)STRI-6048/240V1.3
8751201371 7/8 (183)67 1/8 (171)STRI-7248/120V1.3
2,0002403071 7/8 (183)67 1/8 (171)STRI-7248/240V1.3
7501201083 7/8 (213)79 1/8 (201)STRI-8448/120V1.8
2,3502403083 7/8 (213)79 1/8 (201)STRI-8448/240V1.8
650120795 7/8 (243)91 1/8 (231)STRI-9648/120V1.8
2,4002402795 7/8 (243)91 1/8 (231)STRI-9648/240V1.8
5751206107 7/8 (274)103 1/8 (262)STRI-10848/120V2.5
2,30024023107 7/8 (274)103 1/8 (262)STRI-10848/240V2.5
5001204119 7/8 (304)115 1/8 (292)STRI-12048/120V2.5
2,00024018119 7/8 (304)115 1/8 (292)STRI-12048/240V2.5

.475 Diameter (1.2cm) Round Cross-Section Single-Ended Terminals

Watts Volts W/In2 Dimensions in (cm) INCOLOY Sheath
Model No.
Sheath A Heated B
3251203011 7/8 (30)7 3/16 (18)STRI-1245/1200.5
5001203015 7/8 (40)11 3/16 (28)STRI-1645/1200.5
5002403015 7/8 (40)11 3/16 (28)STRI-1645/2400.5
6751203019 7/8 (50)15 3/16 (39)STRI-2045/1200.5
6752403019 7/8 (50)15 3/16 (39)STRI-2045/2400.5
8501203023 7/8 (60)19 3/16 (49)STRI-2445/1200.5
8502403023 7/8 (60)19 3/16 (49)STRI-2445/2400.5
10251203027 7/8 (70)23 3/16 (59)STRI-2845/1201
10252403027 7/8 (70)23 3/16 (59)STRI-2845/2401
12251203031 7/8 (80)27 3/16 (69)STRI-3245/1201
12252403031 7/8 (80)27 3/16 (69)STRI-3245/2401
14001203035 7/8 (91)31 3/16 (79)STRI-3645/1201
14002403035 7/8 (91)31 3/16 (79)STRI-3645/2401
15751203039 7/8 (101)35 3/16 (89)STRI-4045/1201.3
15752403039 7/8 (101)35 3/16 (89)STRI-4045/2401.3
17501203043 7/8 (111)39 3/16 (100)STRI-4445/1201.3
17502403043 7/8 (111)39 3/16 (100)STRI-4445/2401.3
15751202547 7/8 (122)43 3/16 (110)STRI-4845/1201.3
19252403047 7/8 (122)43 3/16 (110)STRI-4845/2401.3
14501202151 7/8 (132)47 3/16 (120)STRI-5245/1201.8
21002403051 7/8 (132)47 3/16 (120)STRI-5245/2401.8
13251201755 7/8 (142)51 3/16 (130)STRI-5645/1201.8
22752403055 7/8 (142)51 3/16 (130)STRI-5645/2401.8
12251201559 7/8 (152)55 3/16 (140)STRI-6045/1201.8
24752403059 7/8 (152)55 3/16 (140)STRI-6045/2401.8
10001201071 7/8 (183)67 3/16 (171)STRI-7245/1201.8
30002403071 7/8 (183)67 3/16 (171)STRI-7245/2401.8
850120783 7/8 (231)79 3/16 (201)STRI-8445/1202.3
34002402983 7/8 (213)79 3/16 (201)STRI-8445/2402.3
750120695 7/8 (243)91 3/16 (231)STRI-9645/1203.3
30002402295 7/8 (243)91 3/16 (231)STRI-9645/2403.3
6501204107 7/8 (274)103 3/16 (261)STRI-10845/1203.3
260024017107 7/8 (274)103 3/16 (261)STRI-10845/2403.3
5751203119 7/8 (304)115 3/16 (292)STRI-12045/1203.3
230024013119 7/8 (304)115 3/16 (292)STRI-12045/2403.3

Molds and other heat-transferring metal parts and air heating applications. Immersion heating with flange, screwplug, threaded fitting or other means of mounting.

Elements with both terminals at one end, in dies, can simplify wiring in many cases. Use slim elements to concentrate heat into a confined area, taking up less space than a U-shaped element with terminals at each end.

.315" (8 mm) Diameter Round Cross-Section Single-End Terminal

Watts Volts W/In2 Dimensions in (cm) Steel Sheath
Model No.
Sheath A Heated B
1501202011 7/8 (30)71/8 (18)STRS-1248/120V0.4
2251202015 7/8 (40)11 1/8 (28)STRS-1648/120V0.4
2252402015 7/8 (40)11 1/8 (28)STRS-1648/240V0.4
3001202019 7/8 (50)15 1/8 (38)STRS-2048/120V0.4
3002402019 7/8 (50)15 1/8 (38)STRS-2048/240V0.4
3751202023 7/8 (60)19 1/8 (49)STRS-2448/120V0.4
3752402023 7/8 (60)19 1/8 (49)STRS-2448/240V0.4
4501202027 7/8 (70)23 1/8 (59)STRS-2848/120V0.8
4502402027 7/8 (70)23 1/8 (59)STRS-2848/240V0.8
5501202031 7/8 (80)27 1/8 (69)STRS-3248/120V0.8
5502402031 7/8 (80)27 1/8 (69)STRS-3248/240V0.8
6251202035 7/8 (91)31 1/8 (79)STRS-3648/120V0.8
6252402035 7/8 (91)31 1/8 (79)STRS-3648/240V0.8
7001202039 7/8 (101)35 1/8 (89)STRS-4048/120V1
7002402039 7/8 (101)35 1/8 (89)STRS-4048/240V1
7751202043 7/8 (111)39 1/8 (99)STRS-4448/120V1
7752402043 7/8 (111)39 1/8 (99)STRS-4448/240V1
8501202047 7/8 (122)43 1/8 (110)STRS-4848/120V1
8502402047 7/8 (122)43 1/8 (110)STRS-4848/240V1
9251202051 7/8 (132)47 1/8 (120)STRS-5248/120V1.3
9252402051 7/8 (132)47 1/8 (120)STRS-5248/240V1.3
10251202055 7/8 (142)51 1/8 (130)STRS-5648/120V1.3
10252402055 7/8 (142)51 1/8 (130)STRS-5648/240V1.3
107512019.759 7/8 (152)55 1/8 (140)STRS-6048/120V1.3
11002402059 7/8 (152)55 1/8 (140)STRS-6048/240V1.3
8751201371 7/8 (183)67 1/8 (171)STRS-7248/120V1.3
13252402071 7/8 (183)67 1/8 (171)STRS-7248/240V1.3
7501201083 7/8 (213)79 1/8 (201)STRS-8448/120V1.8
15752402083 7/8 (213)79 1/8 (201)STRS-8448/240V1.8
650120795 7/8 (243)91 1/8 (231)STRS-9648/120V1.8
18002402095 7/8 (243)91 1/8 (231)STRS-9648/240V1.8
5751206107 7/8 (274)103 1/8 (262)STRS-10848/120V2.5
205024020107 7/8 (274)103 1/8 (262)STRS-10848/240V2.5
5001204119 7/8 (304)115 1/8 (292)STRS-12048/120V2.5
200024013119 7/8 (304)115 1/8 (292)STRS-12048/240V2.5

.475" (12 mm) Diameter Round Cross-Section Single-End Terminal

Watts Volts W/In2 Dimensions in (cm) Steel Sheath
Model No.
Sheath A Heated B
2001202011 7/8 (30)7 3/16 (18)STRS-1245/120V0.5
3251202015 7/8 (40)11 3/16 (28)STRS-1645/120V0.5
3252402015 7/8 (40)11 3/16 (28)STRS-1645/240V0.5
4501202019 7/8 (50)15 3/16 (38)STRS-2045/120V0.5
4502402019 7/8 (50)15 3/16 (38)STRS-2045/240V0.5
5751202023 7/8 (60)19 3/16 (49)STRS-2445/120V0.5
5752402023 7/8 (60)19 3/16 (49)STRS-2445/240V0.5
7001202027 7/8 (70)23 3/16 (59)STRS-2845/120V1
7002402027 7/8 (70)23 3/16 (59)STRS-2845/240V1
8001202031 7/8 (80)27 3/16 (69)STRS-3245/120V1
8002402031 7/8 (80)27 3/16 (69)STRS-3245/240V1
9251202035 7/8 (91)31 3/16 (79)STRS-3645/120V1
9252402035 7/8 (91)31 3/16 (79)STRS-3645/240V1
10501202039 7/8 (101)35 3/16 (89)STRS-4045/120V1.3
10502402039 7/8 (101)35 3/16 (89)STRS-4045/240V1.3
11751202043 7/8 (111)39 3/16 (99)STRS-4445/120V1.3
11752402043 7/8 (111)39 3/16 (99)STRS-4445/240V1.3
12751202047 7/8 (122)43 3/16 (110)STRS-4845/120V1.3
12752402047 7/8 (122)43 3/16 (110)STRS-4845/240V1.3
14001202051 7/8 (132)47 3/16 (120)STRS-5245/120V1.8
14002402051 7/8 (132)47 3/16 (120)STRS-5245/240V1.8
13251201755 7/8 (142)51 3/16 (130)STRS-5645/120V1.8
15252402055 7/8 (142)51 3/16 (130)STRS-5645/240V1.8
12251201559 7/8 (152)55 3/16 (140)STRS-6045/120V1.8
16502402059 7/8 (152)55 3/16 (140)STRS-6045/240V1.8
10001201071 7/8 (183)67 3/16 (171)STRS-7245/120V1.8
20002402071 7/8 (183)67 3/16 (171)STRS-7245/240V1.8
850120783 7/8 (231)79 3/16 (201)STRS-8445/120V2.3
23502402083 7/8 (213)79 3/16 (201)STRS-8445/240V2.3
750120695 7/8 (243)91 3/16 (231)STRS-9645/120V3.3
27252402095 7/8 (243)91 3/16 (231)STRS-9645/240V3.3
6501204107 7/8 (274)103 3/16 (262)STRS-10845/120V3.3
260024017107 7/8 (274)103 3/16 (262)STRS-10845/240V3.3
5751203119 7/8 (304)115 3/16 (292)STRS-12045/120V3.3
230024013119 7/8 (304)115 3/16 (292)STRS-12045/240V3.3
If element is to be bent, specify "must be annealed".

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