UVA, UVC Light Meter
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Many industrial and commercial applications require or can benefit from measurement of the intensity of UVA and/or UVC light. Among them are welding (to minimize exposure to “blue light” radiation), UV sterilization of food, photochemical matching, erasure of electrically programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chips, production of graphic arts products, exposure of photoresists, and curing of inks, adhesives and coatings.OMEGA’s HHUV254SD has the performance and features needed to satisfy the most demanding aspects of these applications. For example, it combines the capabilities of UVA (black light in the long-wave 365 nm band) and UVC (short waves in the 254 nm band) measurement in one instrument. The meter also can measure temperature with a Type K or J thermocouple. A UVA probe and a UVC probe are supplied with the instrument. Because it is microprocessor-based, the HHUV254SD data logger can make full use of the portability, reliabilityand large storage capacities that SD memory cards offer. Measurements of light intensity or temperature can be made automatically at any of 11 sampling rates between one second and one hour. After time-stamping and storing the measurements on an SD card plugged into the instrument, the user can remove the card and transfer the measurements to a laptop or desktop computer either directly or via a USB card reader. The HHUV254SD has a backlit 2 1?2" diagonal display and is powered by 6 “AA” alkaline batteries or an optional 9 Vdc AC adaptor.