High Performance Stepper Drives
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The STAC6 represents the latest developments in stepper drive technology, incorporating advanced features that will derive the highest performance from today’s stepper motors. Its Anti-Resonance and Waveform Damping control algorithms make it a clear market leader. The "-S" models are step and direction drives, compatible with PLCs which feature high-speed pulse output, such as our ELC-PLC series and OCS XL series. The "-Si" models are stand-alone programmable drives which are programmed with the simple-to-use Si Programmer software. Both the "-S" and "-Si" models can be controlled by sending serial commands in a simple ASCII format, the Si Command Language (SCL). SCL allows for control via serial commands sent from a host device such as a PC or PLC. This permits the user to perform a variety of motion, I/O, and system status tasks in real time via a host serial device.Manuais: